Tuesday, November 12, 2024

case 1


I have opened an email sent by a friend and clicked on a link that looked legitimate and harmless. Onci opened the attachment, it automatically downloads software to my computer. I do not know what has happened and how to fix it

Did You Open a Spam Email? 

Business email compromise (BEC) or ​​Email Account Compromise (EAC) via phishing attacks account for the largest losses within cybercrime. In 2020 alone, $1.8 billion was lost from BEC/EAC according to the FBI. 

A phishing email may look like it was sent from a legitimate source — like a colleague, or a company that you do business with — but is actually sent by cybercriminals.

These scam emails trick recipients into taking actions like forwarding the email message to other people, clicking on a link, or downloading malicious attachments.



If it happens to you , i going to give you some tips


1 .Scan for malware

2. Change your passwords

3. Report the phishing attempt

4. Disconnect your device

5. Backup files

Recommendations to avoid being a victim of phishing 

1- If you recived an email asking for personal or financial things, do not respond.

2.- Do not spend personal information ussing email mensages

3.- Do not access from public places. 

4.- Check the security indicators of the website in which you will enter personal information.

5 -Do not download or open files from untrustworthy sources.

6-Remember: Do not answer any message that seems suspicious




  This is my work of the flags, i did it with inkscape, first i have done the swedish flag,  then, the european and finally by election i ha...